Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who Do You Want Questioning Terrorists?

So according to Susan J Rice the 20th hijacker was tortured while he was being held at Gitmo. He was allegedly kept alone by himself (the horror), held without sleep (poor guy), made to stand nude (oook), and put in the cold. What were these interrogators thinking? Why are they treating this guy like he had planned to kill 3,000 people.

I'm sorry but I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. The lefts argument (and some on the right) is that this just creates more terrorism. This argument would have you believe that if we were nice to these prisoners, word would filter back home as to what great people the US is and Al Queda would be forced to tell the truth about us. They would never lie and say we were torturing. Hey, they might be willing to cut your head off but they are not about to tell a fib. Also, the state controlled media in these countries would certainly honestly report on our fine manners.

The truth of the matter is no matter how nice we are to these prisoners the fundamentalist muslims are still going to hate us. Now, I think Abu Ghraib was a mistake (completely overblown by the media) but still a mistake because there wasnt much purpose to it. It was some night watchmen hazing some prisoners. The Gitmo facility is different though. If interrogators need to make a guy stand in the cold and call his mother names in order to get information to save lives then they need to be able to do it. We better be willing to fight this like a war or it is pointless.

Who do you want questioning terrorists?

Susan Rice


Jack Bauer

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