Monday, March 30, 2009

Badass Of The Week

Foxnews-"Here's my problem with this, I'm just going to come out and say it. If I have anything to say against Obama it's not because I'm a racist, it's because I don't like what he's doing as President and anybody should be able to feel that way, but what I find now is that if you say anything against him you're called a racist," Harmon told Tarts at Thursday’s Los Angeles launch of the new eyelash-growing formula, Latisse. "But it has nothing to do with it, I don’t care what color he is. I’m just not crazy about what he's doing and I heard all about this, and he’s gonna do that and change and change, so okay … I'm still dressing for a recession over here buddy and we've got unemployment at an all-time high and that was his number one thing and that's the thing I really don't appreciate. If I'm going to disagree with my President, that doesn't make me a racist. If I was to disagree with W, that doesn't make me racist. It has nothing to do with it, it is ridiculous."

Jack McCoy didn't see this one coming. As much as I liked him, he could be a little bitch sometimes. Angie Harmon was the real deal back then, and continues to be today. Listen, she flat out got it done in this interview. To be the badass of the week you've got to put it all on the line. She didn't pull any punches, unlike many Republican politicians that still want to give this clown the benefit of the doubt because they're scared the media will brand them racist. She got right up in Obamas and the medias face, basically did the stanky leg (yes thats my thing today), and they have no response.

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