Friday, May 8, 2009

He gave them no offer--they still couldn't refuse

Check your kneecaps at the door. Sonny Corleone a/k/a The Obamafather knows he’s got the press in his hip-pocket. So much so that he feels quite comfortable telling the press exactly how they should be doing their job.

During the remarks he gave about his non-budget budget, he demanded this:

It is important, though, for all of you as you're writing up these stories to recognize that $17 billion taken out of our discretionary non-defense budget, as well as portions of our defense budget, are significant -- they mean something.

And if they don’t-- Will they wake up with a horse’s head? Or even worse, will they find their own fate’s similar to Fredo’s? After all, we know full what Rahmbo in all his glooooooorious dancing ways is capable of doing.

I actually think that Sonny Corleone is the perfect nickname for Obama. Just like Sonny, he's charming, dimwitted, and dangerous. I don't know about anyone else, but at this point, I would gladly go the mattresses for Drew Peterson as Commander-in-Chief if it meant I wouldn't have to see this man's smug face for one more day.

If nothing else, this post put me in the mood for some vino. And oranges. Huh.

I'm not sold on the Sonny connection. I'm starting to think he's more of a Fredo, a timid little Nancy-Mary, pansy ass that that without a hint of hesitation would betrays those he owes loyalty. Sonny has too much of a temper. While this is all true, take away his script and he's easily flustered like Sonny. Plus he thinks there are 57 states, so....Perhaps he's a hybrid of the two: Fronny? Sedo? Whatever. Let's call him Moe Green? Hyman Roth? Oh wait. He doesn't like the Jews. (Not fair!, that was one of the weeks in 20 years he didn't hear any such nonsense when he listened to the good Reverend).

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