Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fall River Dreams

For those of you who have read "Fall River Dreams," the article in todays Boston Globe is a must read. The book followed Chris Herren, a high school basketball legend at Durfee High in Fall River during the early to mid 90s. By the age of 18, he had a book about him, was in Sports Illustrated, Rolling Stone, and there was debate among who was a better player in that class, him or Allen Iverson. This is the story of what has happened since.

The 33-year-old's hopes of returning to the NBA or playing pro basketball anywhere in world are now basically dead. With his Massachusetts driver's license expected to be suspended soon, the Fall River hoop legend had to give up his job repossessing cars recently and is seeking employment in tough economic times. And the ex-Celtics point guard also has a wife and three kids to support.

But considering the long fight that a now-sober Chris Herren is winning over alcohol and drugs, his current issues are far from the end of the world.

read the rest of it here

Kim Jong IL Dances

Your move Obama. Your move

h/t ihatethemedia

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Morning Reading

The Obama justice team drops charges against Black Panthers in a case they had already won

Hope and change is starting to crash, little by little

Palin to Obama- Man up

Vodkapundits- The week in blogs

Pay for play in the Obama administration

Howie Carr takes on empathy in the age of Obama.

If you're on twitter, check out joeybiden

Also thanks go out to the conservativegrapevine and rightwingnews for naming The Conservative Comeback blog of the day. Be sure to head over and check out their great work

Friday, May 29, 2009

Get This Man A Medal

First a little background on this story. So there's a guy on a bridge in China threatening to jump. He's up there for two hours and backs up traffic for miles and miles. Then from out of nowhere comes the hero. He pretends to shake the bridge jumpers hand, and then suddenly in what can only be described as Vince McMahon style, tosses the guy off the bridge... onto an inflattable mat.

Now what does Chinas Sully Sullenberger get in return? Does he get a thank you for unclogging traffic and allowing people to go on living their lives? No, he gets thrown in a Chinese prison where he's probably being tortured Jack Bauer style as we speak.

Empathy At Work

Boston Herald The state Department of Transitional Assistance will be using some of Massachusetts’ $1.3 million in Obama administration cash for jobs for clients’ children ages 14 to 24 who meet specific criteria, including:

• Lacking basic skills.

• Pregnant or parenting.

• School dropout.

• Homeless or runaway.

• Court-involved or an “offender.”

• An English as a Second Language learner or an immigrant.

Criminal offenders, teen moms, dropouts, runaways and other wayward youths will score summer jobs with federal stimulus cash as most Bay State kids desperately scramble to land coveted seasonal gigs in a tight economy.

“To me, it sounds like the federal government is rewarding bad behavior,” said state Sen. Richard R. Tisei (R-Wakefield).

Listen kid, I know you got straight A's this year and busted your ass doing it. You must not have been paying attention on November 4th though. Working hard is so Old America. Next year rob somebody, drop out of school, and knock up some chick. Oh, and have zero discernable skills. Then maybe I can find a job for you.

Miss Conservative of the Week

This weeks Miss Conservative of the Week comes to us by way of South Carolina. In 2004 she was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives. In 2005 and 2009she was named "Friend of the Taxpayer" by the South Carolina Association of Taxpayers. In 2006 she was awarded the "Palmetto Leadership award" by the South Carolina Policy Council and the "Strom Thurmond Excellence in Public Service and Government Award" by the South Carolina Federation of Republican Women.

She has recently announced her bid to run for Governor of South Carolina. Your Miss Conservative of the Week is Nikki Haley.

Who is your favorite politician (past or present)?

I’m sure I’m supposed to name an American figure here, but whenever Iget asked this question my mind immediately jumps to Margaret Thatcher. Conservative to the bone, incredibly strong, honest and direct, LadyThatcher rose to the pinnacle of political power by being true to theprinciples she believed and outworking everyone else. There’s just somuch to admire – and emulate – in her story.

What issue is most important to you?

As a small businesswoman and accountant by trade – my first job waskeeping the books for our family business when I was 13 – the focus hasto be on spending. One of the things that defines me is I am someone whohas always appreciated and understood the value of a dollar, and that’ssomething all too often lacking in our political leaders. The fact is thatgovernment does a terrible job of taking care of taxpayer money, and as aresult does a terrible job of protecting the wallets of the people and thebottom lines of businesses. Far too many politicians don’t see spendingtax dollars as real money, they don’t understand that when they fund thisor that unnecessary or ineffective program or push us further and furtherinto debt they are doing great damage to the people they have sworn torepresent. Government has to spend less, we have to spend what we do morewisely, and until we do we’re failing to fulfill the most importantresponsibility entrusted to us.

Why did you decide to run for governor?

The most important thing to me is that people understand the power of theirvoice. Politicians work for you – not the other way around. We havegreat challenges in South Carolina but also tremendous opportunities, and Ibelieve with everything I have that the key to tapping into our potentialis bringing good government back to the people. We need to be more openand honest with the way we conduct our business. We need to be betterkeepers of taxpayer dollars. We need to take better care of our smallbusinesses. We need an education system focused on actually improving ourworst in the nation schools and not just throwing money at them. Thebottom line is I know what good government looks like – I’m running forgovernor because I want every South Carolinian to know what it feels like.

Why are you a conservative?

Conservatism has always just made sense to me. Running a small businessyou quickly understand the problems that come with too much governmentintrusion in our lives. Growing up in a small town where everyone tookcare of everyone else, you learn the value of strong families andcommunities. Keeping the books at my parents store from the age of 13drilled into me an appreciation for the value of a dollar. I could go on,but the point is I didn’t come to conservatism in the course of somelarger search for a political philosophy – it’s just the way I’vealways lived my life.

I want to thank Nikki for taking the time to answer these questions. Today, more than ever it seems, we need fiscal conservatives like Nikki Haley in government. For more information on her campaign and how to help you can check out her website

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Blog Is Close To Its Goal Of Dominating The Internet Like Teen Wolf Dominated The '84 Season For The Beavers

Thanks go out to the Sarah-Palin-2012 blog which has highlighted The Conservative Comeback as the featured blog of the week. Head on over and check 'em out.

The 2015 Chrysler Obama

The Gas-Powered La-Z-Boy - Watch more Funny Videos

Chrysler today unveiled its newest model, The Obama, which industry insiders say will revolutionize the automobile as we know it, as well as kill 50% of the people who buy it. Those who are lucky enough to survive undoubtedly some of the most horrific accidents known to man will get phenomonal gas mileage, however.

I for one would take this risk in a heartbeat. This might be the greatest invention since SARS. Honestly, where can I buy one of these?

Joey Biden Holds His Second Annual Townhall Event On Twitter

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

But Sotomayor Was Appointed By Bush 41

That is the talking point you will hear over and over again from the left in the defense of Sotomayor. They will use this to portray her as a moderate. Like most liberal talking points, they're not giving you the full story.

John McCormack at the Weekly Standard comes up with the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Sotomayor was nominated as part of a compromise in which Democratic Senator Moynihan was allowed to recommend judges for two of the seven vacancies:


Fuckity fuck fucksticks.

Not surprising but the early scuttlebutt has it that it's Sonia "Oh I know we're not supposed to make policy and all, but hey, we all do it (giggle giggle tee hee hee)" Sotomayor.

I'm disappointed. Couldn't he have found a dyslexic, mute, trisexual? After all, the role of SCOTUS is to be empathetic, not to follow hundreds of years of legal precedent and our Constitution.

Apparently the Monicas over at MSNweblowBO are calling her a moderate choice. Chuck Todd already had his talking points memorized. He also asked if Republicans wanted to pick this battle with such a growing voting block in the Hispanics. (Hopefully Newsbusters can pick this up later).
But they will attempt to block it because it because Republicans hate Hispanics.

This chick scares the bejesus out of me. She's young and clearly does not have the sharpest legal mind.

Seriously, I hope they have the stones to go after her. After all conservatives are just pitch evil and always resort to the lowest common denominator. I guess we should take a cue from the Dems on how to conduct a confirmation hearing. They are compassionate and they know how to get shit done!

Update: It's a done deal and boy oh boy are they lefties working overtime today to make her feel special and warm!

Yahoo: 'Inspiring' high court pick. Her struggles
Gums McGee Couric: A very, very compelling life story.
CNN: I can't find any links. Her mug takes up my entire page and it's still effing trying to load.

We've only just begun to see the liberal spinmeisters at work. Hearing Todd actually call her a moderate was astounding. How can that even be said with a straight face?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Michelle Obama Is Not Happy

Michelle Obama probably hates you. True story. Gatewaypundit takes a look at how she lashes out at both her former employer and her mothers. And he finds out why she actually was accepted to Princeton.

Man Facing Intoxication Charge Shows Up To Court Drunk

PORTSMOUTH — Before he was allowed to plead guilty to a public drinking charge Monday morning, Ross Brown was court-ordered to take a Breathalyzer test. When police determined Brown was intoxicated, he was driven to the police station to sober up in a jail cell, then given a return ride to the court for sentencing.

I've said it time and time again, you can't stop Ross can only hope to contain him. If you thought an intoxication charge was going to stop him from showing up to court hammered, you've got the wrong guy. This guy walks out of his house every morning and taps a "play like a champion today" sign, Notre Dame style.

DC Republicans Still Suck

via hotair
Even veterans of the conservative movement seem to want a piece of the liberal blog action.
Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, said that he’s been approached to write for The Huffington Post and intends to do so in the future. It can be useful, he said, as a way to turn the tables on Democrats who claim the Republicans aren’t offering any alternatives to their policy positions.

So Republicans are now turning to the likes of Arianna Huffington in order to get good press. Are they serious? Do they really think this will make one bit of difference? All it will do is lend credence to these left wing blogs and allow them to become more powerful. These DC insiders are the same idiots that thought it would be a good idea to roll Sarah Palin out by giving interviews with a left wing hack like Katie Couric. Honestly, who do you think Couric voted for? Same with Charlie Gibson. Would Obamas handlers have ever allowed him to give his first interviews to people they know were voting for McCain?

Enough with trying to play by the lefts rules when it comes to the media. The right is not going to get a fair shake. How about giving these interviews and op eds to the top right wing blogs, there by increasing their traffic and power? It's such a common sense idea, it's scary these Republicans haven't though of it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Clip Of The Day

via thenoseonyourface and ed driscoll on twitter

Stop The Fight!!!

Bob Schieffer calls it a flat out Cheney win and Harry Smith calls it a draw. Translation: Cheney is giving Obama an ass whipping of biblical proportions.

This fight was fairer than Obama vs Cheney

Thursday, May 21, 2009

George Brett Can Tell A Helluva Story

I would give a warning that there's lots of swearing. But it's George Brett, so it's a given there's lots of swearing.

I don't go a first date without telling this same exact story every single time.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Clip Of The Day

via hot air

As hot air points out, this is hilarious how much this mirrors Baracks campaign, with down to the use of hope and change.

By the way, I can't wait to watch this.

Is it just me...

Or does the creepy "missing link" human skull thing remind anyone else of this lil' fella from Spaceballs?

Even creepier? Google has been promoting the hell out of this today:

What Now Colin??

So, one of the most liberals states in the country had a chance to have more government in their life. They rejected it overwhelmingly.

FML Candidate

Let's play a game of eye doctor. A or B.

Which one's worse:


B. Having the entire world now know you as the woman willing to stick any part of your body in a toilet to retrieve a piece of jewelry that had no business being in your mouth in the first place

You make the call.

And for the record, I'm just so grateful this didn't happen at a Reds game. Ohio already hit the quota for lunatic stories for the week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Common Ground = My Way or the Highway

The President with the most extreme voting record on abortion has said that he wants to find “common ground” on this issue. And that despite his own beliefs, (and Presidential Orders) he seeks to reduce the number of abortions. Uh huh.

I'm calling bullshit on this. There's too much evidence to the contrary. First, the Global Gag Rule was an executive order issued on his second day in office. Remember he inherited a collapsing economy and his priority was in lifting a ban on U.S. tax dollars that went international health organizations that performed abortions. Does that make sense?

Next we had the Stem Cell Executive Order six weeks later. (Of course the stupidity is completely lost on him when his own remarks refer to "life saving vaccines" as being a net gain with stem cell research. Not seeing the irony that it takes one life to give another, Barry? Probably not considering he supported infanticide while in the Illinois State House. Not before he supported it on multiple occassions, then lied about it on the campaign trail. One of his campaign staffers Hari Sevugan, admitted that he voted against the language of the Illinois Born Alive Protection Bill (even though it passed unanimously at the federal level. Details. Details.)

Let's recap Obama's position thus far:
Choice as defined by Roe > Babies born alive after botched abortions.
He places more value to hypothetical situations (ie, the possibility that Roe could be undermind) than living breathing humans. Got it?

Then we have the upcoming modification to the longstanding Conscience Clause provisions. For lack of a better phrase, Obama is going to jack those up as well.
How it stands now there are about three components to these provisions:
  1. For any entity that receives funds or grants from the Department of Health and Human Services cannot require any individual to perform or assist in a sterilization procedure or abortion if its contrary to his/her religious beliefs or moral convictions.
  2. Prohibits that entity from discriminating against any doctor or health care personnel in terms of employment, promotion, or termination of employment because they did perform -or- refused to perform abortions.
  3. Provision three also deals with discrimination in the same vein, but for entitles that specialize in biomedical or behavioral researchers
The Secretary of the DHS is propsosing rescinding these protections. Translation: Any doctor or health care worker with a pro-life stance better get 10 CC's of and beef up the resume as they could be looking for a new line of work.

Personally I don't believe they can constitutionally require anyone to perform the procedure. While "First, do no harm" is not an official tenant to the Hippocratic Oath, many doctors still abide. I can't imagine even a judge in the 9th Circuit requiring any doctor to actually perform a procedure that runs contrary to their beliefs.

That said, the work environment for any such practitioner or employee that refuses to perform an abortion could get very uncomfortable. I see employment discrimination cases rising exponentially if these protectionist provisions lapse. This is Kathleen Sebelius we're talking about here.

The period to comment to the HHS on this proposed regulation ended at the end of April. We're keeping an eye this one.
As an aside, something I've always pondered with this CHOICE! first crowd....
Why is it that when it comes to the issue of abortion it's always the right to choose. Always. Yet on any other issue, it's the right not of individual choice, but collectivism:
  • Gun control >>>No choice. People with free will kill with guns!
  • School choice>>> No choice. Homeschoolers are freaks. Viva la NEA!
  • Curbing taxes and spending>>>No choice . We have shared responsibilities.
  • Health care>>> No choice. We need the Swedish model!
  • Free speech>>>>No choice. We need speech that is polite and nurturing.

And back to where we started--where exactly is his "common ground" when it comes to Obama and abortion? A tad to the right of NARAL? I don't think it's the "common ground" with Obama. I think it's the "lowest common denominator".

Paging the Shadow Hare

Where the hell is the Shadow Hare when you need him?! Didn't he vow to help protect and serve the citizens?

Today I'm so proud to be a Cincinnatian. One of our finest, Timothy Akers, who single-handedly seems to be bringing sexy back, has been arrested 101 times. And he's at large pending his 102nd arrest for credit card fraud. This guy is only 40 and has been arrested 101 times. What in the name of hell? And what point does the criminal justice say enough? Now he's not been convicted for every one of the prior 100 arrests. That still doesn't negate the fact this guy is just a lost cause. From my perspective we have two options for this guy: One, make him a Bengal. He'll be right at home. Second, wait until he gets arrested for tax evasion. Then he'll be eligible as some type of czar in Oblameless's administration. Hair czar?

Ohio is having a bad week. You have this story. We also had fathers and sons who cannot play nice with their food, and this stellar couple (check out her awesome neck art in the mug shot!).

I'm reat' to move!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Democrats father calls 911 on him...because he has a messy room

BEDFORD — An Ohio man who argued with his grown son over a messy bedroom says he overreacted when he called 911.

Andrew Mizsak called authorities Thursday after his 28-year-old son threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him.

His son, also named Andrew, lives with his parents and has a room in the basement.

The father declined to press charges and told police he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career. The younger Mizsak works as a political consultant and is a school board member in Bedford, a Cleveland suburb.

The son says he and his father love each very much and that he's lucky to be living in the house rent free. He also promises to keep his room clean.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down a second. Listen Dems, I can understand you not paying your taxes. I can live with you lying about the CIA to cover your ass. I can even deal with you cheating on your cancer stricken wife during a Presidential campaign. But there is a line in this country and Andrew Mizsak crossed it. When daddy tells you to clean your clean your damn room, 'less you want the FBI on your ass.

By the way, all humiliating experiences will be called a Mizsak on this blog from now on. For example. Man, I'm 28 and my dad just called the cops on me because my room is messy. I'm so Mizsaked.

PS -His Facebook page lists Ted Kennedy as one of his favorite politicians. Talk about a guy who has had a few Mizsaking moments in his life.

PPS- I'm anticipating the release of this 911 call like a kid on Christmas morning.

Is This Guy Serious???

Is this guy really trying to make the case that we put our soldiers at risk of waterboarding because the US condoned this action? Check out his satirical post:

News Flash: Taliban Waterboards Captured U.S. Soldiers--Claims "Not Torture"

Brian Tamanaha

According to reports out of Kabul, the Taliban announced that they have waterboarded three U.S. soldiers taken prisoner. The Taliban commander asserted that waterboarding is not torture and does not violate the Geneva Convention or U.S. law. He assured everyone that a medical officer monitored all waterboarding sessions to insure that no permanent damage was done to the soldiers. In addition, he said they were careful to follow the directions on waterboarding in a SERE training manual they found posted on the internet.

In support of his assertion that waterboarding is not torture, the Taliban commander cited legal analysis produced by the Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice. He pointed out that the authors of this legal analysis are a respected federal judge on the second highest court in America and a professor at a top American law school. The Taliban commander also referred to the careful legal analysis of a Distinguished Professor of Law who concluded that waterboarding is not torture because U.S. trainers did it to their own troops "hundreds and hundreds of times."

This is so easy to pick apart I'm going to do it in world record time. This is like the 86 Celtics playing a jr high team. Yes, I just compared my blogging skills to the greatest basketball team to ever lace 'em up. It's a fact.

Now to break down the argument very clearly. While liberals cry about our interrogation techniques and make the case they might be used on Americans and civilians, the Taliban keeps on keepin on. Here, Brian Tamanaha, are real headlines of what the Taliban does.

Taliban Behead Grandmother, Grandson, 7, For Spying For Americans

Polish Engineer Beheaded by Taliban

Pakistan Taliban insurgents release video of 5 beheaded 'spies'

New Taliban Video shows young boy beheading 'American spy'

Headteacher decapitated by Taliban

Waterboarding doesn't look so bad now does it? In fact, if our interrogation techniques lead to the Taliban waterboarding people rather than beheading them, that's a trade off I'm sure the people in the links provided above would've taken. The problem is that the left has no idea what we're dealing with. They need to sit down with a terrorist and have him explain to them exactly what it is that they do, in the same manner as Joe Pescis character in Casino talking to Charlie the Banker. Maybe then they'll have an idea of what we're up against.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday not so funnies....

Is it any real surprise that we're finding out that dead people are receiving money from the porkulus bill?

I feel so comforted knowing JoeyB is taking care of da bidness with this stiumlus money! Let's recap how the Dems roll when it comes to their vote early/vote often approach and we shall see how this comes back around full circle:

Gotta keep your constituents happy, right DNC? No bother if they have no pulse. Hey JoeyJoe, give us the 411 on the stimulus website number again?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why They Attack Carrie and Ignore Barry

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it's also a sacred union. God's in the mix." Barack Obama, President of the United States

I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that's how I was raised, and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman." Carrie Prejean, Beauty Pageant contestant

So why is it controversial for Carrie Prejean to say this, yet there is almost nothing from the media and gay community when Obama says it? This question has confused more people than Joaquin Phoenix. There are a few reasons. The main reason Obama wasn't heavily criticized was they needed him to be elected. The media and the gay community were already in his pocket. They also know that he is a political coward. As soon as Rahm receives an internal poll showing a majority of Americans support gay marriage...Barack will support gay marriage. Remember, when he gave his stance on this issue, he was sitting in a room with 2,500 evangelicals. Barry tells people what they want to hear. He'd piss in your ear and tell you it's raining. Just ask the Armenian community about his stance on Turkey.

The second and main reason why Carrie was attacked is simple. The left does not want to debate. In fact, they are terrified of a real debate on these issues. There is a clear playbook that the left uses when someone dare challenge their beliefs: attack. They will dig through your private life and make you pay for crossing them. This has nothing to do with Carrie Prejean. She just happened to have the guts to say what she believes. They don't attack Carrie because it's personal. They're like Michael Corleone, "it's strictly business." They attack her to send a message to all of you who are reading this right now. Fall in line or you could be the next Carrie. Give the politcally correct answer or your parents divorce records could be on the news.

This isn't an isolated incident. Ask Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli, and Jim Cramer. All of these people have gone through the same thing for daring to question the left in just the past few months. None of them had their actual questions debated...all of them were attacked. The left knows that many people don't have the guts that Carrie Prejean had. Most people sit through classes in college biting their tongue while the professor goes off on a left wing rant. Most people write the answer that the teacher wants just so they can pass the class and move on. And thats all the left wants. They don't care if you actually believe it, just dont criticize it. This is how they get their agenda driven thru. In their view, the less debate the better.

Clip Of The Day

Who can't wait for a Game 7 tonight? This kid. Skip to the 1 minute mark.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The media can't seem to go a day with out trying to pit Republicans against one another. Every time you change the channel or check out a newspaper there is some story about fighting within the Republican party. Well now that Dick Cheney has bitch slapped Obama into reversing his stance on torture photos, it is time to sit and watch the left tear eachother apart.

The ACLU is as mad as they have ever been at Obama and they aren't holding back.

Andrew Sullivan is starting to set his sights on Obama, and not in a gay way.

The Daily Kos isn't buying what Obamas selling

Neither is Think Progress

Americablog = not happy

Huffington Post only has the AP article up right now but lets just say that the 3500 comments arent exactly all positive.

Dick Cheneys All Up In Your Head Barry

Politico- In a dramatic and high-profile reversal for his young administration, President Barack Obama is seeking to block the release of 44 photographs depicting abuse of detainees in U.S. military custody in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm glad he came to his senses but just like everything with Obama, his excuse on this reversal is full of shit. He now says releasing these pictures will endanger US troops. So in April when they decided to stop fighting this in court and release the pictures he felt they wouldn't endanger our troops, but today he feels they will endanger our troops? Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit. Of course the release of these photos will bolster recruitment, but if Obama really was worried about the troops he wouldn't have released the CIA memos. Does he not think those are being played up in the Muslim world?

The fact of the matter is Dick Cheney is getting under this guys skin. If we know anything about Obama, it is that his skin is as thin as Kate Moss. Cheney has been on TV seemingly every day recently, basically calling Obama a pussy. He is Obamas shadow right now and Barry can't shake him. He's like Matt Foley talking to David Spade- Theres you, theres me! He knows that whether or not Cheney is popular, his criticism of him as being soft on national security is starting to stick. If it does stick and we are attacked again, he might as well not even run for re-election. So make no mistake, Obamas reversal had nothing to do with the troops. It was strictly political.

This reversal would not have been possible without Dick Cheney dogging this guy day after day. So once again we can thank him for keeping this country safer.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some Good Reading

Palin signs a book deal

@joeybiden holds a townhall meeting on twitter

Barry is going to take down Cheerios

So the President of the United States gets a pass but Miss California faces a firestorm for the exact same answer.

A little too much hope

Monday, May 11, 2009

Clip Of The Day

Say it aint so Joe

h/t to Lauren for the video

Isolation is lonely. Except when its in numbers.

At what point does an isolated incident become part of a larger pattern? If you're ACORN, or as I like to call them, A Completely Obama Run Network, apparently in perpetuity.

They're baaaaack. Well they never went away. But last week seven people were charged by the Allegheny County, District Attorney with 51 charges of forgergies and other illegality. Also last week in Las Vegas, there were 26 charges of compensation for registration of votes and 13 charges of being a principle in the incident. Illegal schmelegal! If only there were an attorney in the house that could represent these clowns…..

Curiosity got the best of me, so I ran a quick news search on all the ACORN articles that reference the term isolated. Just that term. Nothing on "denial" or "refuted", just isolated. I was curious as that seemed to be their go-term venacular when referring to all the alleged voter registration fraud.

So here's the skinny:

In the past two years, these are all the articles I came up with (and keep in mind, these reference different isolated incidents):

  • From ACORN, a mighty GOP fight May 9, 2009
  • Catholic bishops cut off ACORN funding The Associated Press November 12, 2008
  • Hardly historic fraud; Editorials; McCain's warning on ACORN is oberblown; Editorial The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR)
  • Accused Registration Group Has No Voter Drives Here; ACORN Engaging in Fraud, Republicans Claim The Washington Post October 18, 2008
  • ACORN falls close to chad territory The Australian October 17, 2008
  • ACORN sign-ups here seem legitimate; Nearly 40% of vote forms denied, but registrar sees no intentional foul The Houston Chronicle October 16, 2008
  • Party is over for ACORN, Democrats Columbia Daily Tribune (Missouri) October 3, 2008
  • ACORN feud over suspicious voter cards The Miami Herald September 25, 2008

Eight. Some may say--is that all?! What's the big deal? The big deal is that most media outlets weren't covering this story. Some were even told to "kill the story" (NYT-go figure). How can you allege these are isolated when you continually use that specific term to refute alleged fraud in a new state or city? Apparently they don't understand the meaning of the word. Can we use some of that taxpayer money we're shelling out to get them Hooked-on-Phonics?

Let's put our game-face on with these scumbag lunatics. The new scapegoat in all of this: Republicans. They are just sore losers. Nothing to see here--let's move on! Let's not pay any attention to the fact President Thinned Skinned and the dipshits in Congress have made them eligible for $8 billion more in taxpayer dollars ("B" as in Barry. Or "B" as in barium enema. Actually I think they are one in the same).

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Morning Must Reads

The buck stops right at the White House Military Office.

Want more proof that Obamas promises are full of shit? Here you go. Oh and here's another.

Obama to cut slain officers benefits in half. What if Bush did it?

The top 10 most annoying Republicans.

Dana Perino asks all the right questions.

Did any of the schools Obama went to teach history?

Friday, May 8, 2009

He gave them no offer--they still couldn't refuse

Check your kneecaps at the door. Sonny Corleone a/k/a The Obamafather knows he’s got the press in his hip-pocket. So much so that he feels quite comfortable telling the press exactly how they should be doing their job.

During the remarks he gave about his non-budget budget, he demanded this:

It is important, though, for all of you as you're writing up these stories to recognize that $17 billion taken out of our discretionary non-defense budget, as well as portions of our defense budget, are significant -- they mean something.

And if they don’t-- Will they wake up with a horse’s head? Or even worse, will they find their own fate’s similar to Fredo’s? After all, we know full what Rahmbo in all his glooooooorious dancing ways is capable of doing.

I actually think that Sonny Corleone is the perfect nickname for Obama. Just like Sonny, he's charming, dimwitted, and dangerous. I don't know about anyone else, but at this point, I would gladly go the mattresses for Drew Peterson as Commander-in-Chief if it meant I wouldn't have to see this man's smug face for one more day.

If nothing else, this post put me in the mood for some vino. And oranges. Huh.

I'm not sold on the Sonny connection. I'm starting to think he's more of a Fredo, a timid little Nancy-Mary, pansy ass that that without a hint of hesitation would betrays those he owes loyalty. Sonny has too much of a temper. While this is all true, take away his script and he's easily flustered like Sonny. Plus he thinks there are 57 states, so....Perhaps he's a hybrid of the two: Fronny? Sedo? Whatever. Let's call him Moe Green? Hyman Roth? Oh wait. He doesn't like the Jews. (Not fair!, that was one of the weeks in 20 years he didn't hear any such nonsense when he listened to the good Reverend).

Happy Mothers Day Weekend

With Mothers day this Sunday, The Conservative Comeback would like to send a special shout out to mothers courtesy of the man synonymous with Mothers day...thats right, Mr. T

'Say what?!?' lunacy of the left...It's Friday after all

In today’s installment of the Dems are truly insane in the membrane, we have Linda Sanchez (D-CA).

Linda is living in la-la land with the bill she just introduced, H.R. 1966.

It’s called the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. This act is in reaction to a horrific case out of California, where a mother of a former friend of Megan Meier created a fake account on myspace to learn what Meier was saying about her daughter. It led to some pretty nasty exchanges over the Internet and unfortunately Megan commited suicide.

While the intentions of this act I’m sure are noble, the consequences will be frightening if they don’t change the language in the bill as it stands now.

Here’s how it currently reads:

'Sec. 881. Cyberbullying'(a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

(emphasis mine)

If you link out to the bill you will see that Sec. 2 includes legislaltive findings that discusses the purpose behind Cyberbullying. That's all fine and well. But where in this bill do they define "person"? Shouldn't they indicate that this is designed to include young boys and girls, minors, juveniles or teenagers? Would it really be hard to include that language? I would argue as a defense one only need to look at the purpose of those findings. After than, it should be clear what a person is meant to be. However, we live in a day when Justices on the short-list for the United States Supreme Court giggle about how the court makes policy. Tee heee hee...I know we're supposed to and all...tee heee.....but that's what we do! As it stands both anyone could be charged under this bill if they repeatedly “harass” or “cause substantial emotional distress to a person”. Any blogger should be reading this and thinking to themselves, Watchu talkin' 'bout Linda Sanchez?

Should we give the benefit of the doubt to Ms. Sanchez that this is not what she (or her staffers) positioned with this language? Mmmm, I'm going with 'no'. I think this goes well beyond being intentionally vague. On it's face, this bill is overbroad and would never pass constitutional muster. I would say that I haven’t seen such poorly worded language in any pending bill in some time. Then again, this Congressional session has been a boondoggle of shoddy and purposely vague legislation. I guess I shouldn't expect anything less out of the Dems at this point.

Honest to God, every day with the Dems in control gets worse than the last. Has it only been four months? When I think about it, it seems like this.

Serenity Now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Free Cars In Massachusetts...You're Paying

Boston Herald- Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work.

But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite the state’s fiscal crash - allows those who end up back on welfare to keep the cars anyway.

“It’s mind-boggling. You’ve got people out there saying, ‘I just lost my job. Hey, can I get a free car, too?’ ” said House Minority Leader Brad Jones (R-North Reading).

Where was this story yesterday? I literally just bought a car yesterday. I grabbed the Herald on my way to work this morning and find out that the car I was picking up later that day could've been mine for free. Well, free in the sense that I'd be given one while watching you pay my excise tax, insurance, registration, title, and AAA membership. Damn I could've saved my ass a lot of money. But then again I have a job and pay taxes, which in 2009 means you're shit outta luck.

Must read today- Howie Carrs column in the Herald on this

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Motorin'...what's your price for flight?

Sadly, I thought this story from The Onion was true. *Insert Frank the Tank references here*

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Colin Powells Back

The Republican Party is in big trouble and needs to find a way to move back to the middle of the country, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday.

Powell said the GOP is "getting smaller and smaller" and "that's not good for the nation." He also said he hopes that emerging GOP leaders, such as House Minority Whip Cantor, will not keep repeating mantras of the far right.

Ok thanks Colin. I'd listen to Michelle Obamas opinion on how to rebuild the Republican party before I listened to Powell. True story.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Teleprompter, Stat!!

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is celebrating Cinco de Mayo a little early.
On the eve of the Mexican holiday, Obama on Monday had an event in the East Room of the White House with Mexico's Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan (sahr-oo-KHAN').
Obama joked that it was "Cinco de Cuatro," botching a play on the Spanish word for "four" when he meant to say "Cuatro de Mayo," or the Fourth of May. He tried again, but he still did not get it right.

Who doesn't celebrate the 5th of the 4th? It's my favorite holiday. Can comedians really keep saying they can't find anything funny about Obama? Thats like saying you can't find anything crazy about the craigslist killer. If you can't find anything funny about Obama, you can't continue to call yourself a comedian. Thats a new rule. I think all Americans can come together on this.

Thoughts...and stuff

Because I spent too much time celebrating the Derby this weekend, I'm not really speaking in full paragraphs (or sentences for that matter). (Oh and to the PETA bitch, I met this weekend, this one's for you: look hag, why would you go to a derby party if you're just going to rail on the sport. You were the wet blanket on the flame of our fun. Therefore, please cease and desist in your existence. No one liked you and I'm sure no one is liking you at this very moment. Phew. Better....)

But I do have some things I want to say, so indulge me, please. I'll try not to go all Caroline Kennedy or Barry sans prompter on you, like, okay?
  • I've had it with fake outrage over the death of the Republican party. I think it was fair to critique the state of the party after the asswhoopping in both 2006 and 2008. That said, I don't think an asscrack that point-blank stated he was leaving the party because he wouldn't win his own party's nomination doesnt' get to say a peep. Shut the pie-hole already, Arlen! So let's start stop listening to anything Specter has to say. As far as I'm concerned, we'd be better off having this Specter on our side.

  • Joe Scarborough, you suck. I'm done with you as well. Take your effete, grande Starbucks drinking, upper-East side wanna be Peggy Noonan, I'm the token "conservative" on MSN-we're all ho's for the Obama administration, ass back to law school. Let's recap your record just last week. First, you said that Justice Kick-Ass, oh that's Lauren speak, for Justice Thomas wasn't quite representative of the black community. Sorry, I didn't realize it was important to play the identity politics game to be confirmed to the SCOTUS. You are a piss poor attorney if you think his role is to be represententative of a race; rather than to uphold the principles of our constitution.

  • Michelle Obama's shiteously fugly shoes--well need I say more? See the CCs fantabulous post on this.

  • Media bias and "The Stand". Look, I think this subject (media bias in general) is tired. That said, as we saw with last year's election, it's vital we call them on it. When the media finds a candidate they like, they stop at nothing to defend their investment.

  • Obama's Idiocracy. A must-see for anyone that thinks that Idiocracy will go down as one of the best movies of all time (as I do).

I'm spent.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Tolerant Left Welcomes Sarah Palin To Twitter

With the passing of Jack Kemp last night, Newsbusters unearthed some media coverage of him from years past. The personification of objectivity, Bill Schneider of CNN, had this to say:

“He is a rare combination -- a nice conservative. These days conservatives are supposed to be mean. They're supposed to be haters.”

Most conservatives these days come across as mean [video of Newt Gingrich] or intolerant [video of Pat Buchanan] or grouchy [video of Bob Dole]

I wonder where this idea of conservatives being mean comes from. In October, Im sure only by coincidence, almost every media outlet reported on the angry mobs at McCain/Palin events. If I remember correctly I believe 27 babies, 16 grandmas, and a puppy were amongst the dead after one particularly ugly rally. And let's not talk about the tea parties. I'm still trying to get those riots out of my head.

Perhaps, it's time to take a page out of the tolerance that the left shows. After all, they are some of least angry people you would ever meet. With control of the White House, Senate, and House of Reps, they are the picture of happiness. Lets see how they have welcomed Sarah Palin to twitter over the past few days. These are messages directed specifically to her.

shortshrift: @akgovsarahpalin let me eat your babies. allllllllll your babiez.

michaeltbraun: @AKGovSarahPalin - you are Satan incarnate.

kazoshay: @AKGovSarahPalin I wanna fuckstart your head


diertac: @AKGovSarahPalin is a bit of a whore if you ask me....

prtzlrodstewart: @AKGovSarahPalin HEY...SHOW US YA TITS!

Dufus: @AKGovSarahPalin Miss California fake titties.. She's more popular by repubutards than you are! You can be her vice president.old ugly one.

sammikaplan: FUCKING @akgovsarahpalin has a twitter??? lets all harass her!

bryanvangelder: @AKGovSarahPalin you are a bane on the human race. An embarrassment above all embarrassments. I wish terrible things upon you. Get out.

LeoSpy: @AKGovSarahPalin do you like it raw too? we know bristol does! i ain't judging. i'd let levi hit it

Hopefully if we didn't learn from Perez Hilton last week with his loving embrace of different opinions, we will learn from the tolerance displayed by those on the left on twitter. They are so happy.

The Associated Press Investigates Obama

Obamas take a walk, holding hands in the evening

WASHINGTON — The first couple took full advantage of the cool spring night.
After a date night out on Saturday evening, President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama decided to take a stroll when their motorcade arrived back at the White House.
So they began walking on the driveway of the White House South Lawn while holding hands. First they passed the West Wing, then their children’s swing set. They kept walking, swinging their hands together.

I don't know why the media has such a bad name. I mean this is the hard hitting type of story that Americans need to know. I honestly could care less why the White House spent over $300,000 to send New Yorkers screaming through the streets just to get a photo. I want to make sure that this guy is enchanted. This story leaves me wanting more. Where were they going?

As the Obamas walked behind shrubbery and out of sight, the unscripted moment left reporters guessing where they were going. To the vegetable garden? The basketball court? No final word, but they eventually came back the same way from where they started, rounding out their 8-minute walk.

This story should put to rest the rumors that the White House was planning to use the press corps in order to pressure Chrysler investors. As we can see with this hard hitting story, the press corps isn't going to simply lay down for the Obamas. They are going to continue to probe and get to the bottom of the most pressing issues facing Americans, like whether or not Michelle and Barack were heading to the basketball court or the vegetable garden. Americans have a right to know!

Note- the story in bold is not sarcasm. It's an actual article. Yes, really. No I swear...I'm telling you the truth. Just click on the link.

The $540 Sneakers

Remember when paying lots of money on clothing was a big story? Of course it was a rediculous, overblown story. Once agin though we will see the media double standard. That was a story for weeks on end. Now we have Michelle Obama, who wears sneakers to a D.C food bank event that cost $540.

You have to pay $540 to wear those? To paraphrase Dangerfield, when you buy sneakers like these I bet you get a free bowl of soup.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Perez Hilton Doesn't Want You to See

From Patterico
As with the Susan Roesgen/CNN copyright thuggery, I am encouraging bloggers everywhere to download the video. Upload it to your blog, and/or to you own YouTube accounts and other video sharing sites.

Let’s make this guy wish he had never tried to suppress this video.

You had me at hello.

Saturday Morning Open Thread

Obama skipped Fox at Press conference because they didn't air it on their network. Also he would've had to answer a serious question

It's good to see how careful the Obama administration is with secret CIA documents. Or not

Time magazing is furious with the White House over its lack of transparency with their New York flyover. Wait a second, actually Time thinks it's funny.

Do you want more of the media in the tank for Obama? I'll give you more. Ben Smith actually writes that a historian that says Britian tortured under Churchill more or less supports Obamas case that Churchill didn't torture.

A breakdown of the epic Bulls Celtics series so far with preview for tonights Game 7. It has been the best series in NBA playoff history. My prediction: Celtics, lock it up