Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Gave It Your Best Shot Kid

This kid had a HUGE opportunity, and he blew it. This is going to haunt this kids dreams for the rest of his life. He was caught flat footed. Sure he had a flower all set to give her, but check out those socks and sneakers. I could work in a sewer all day and have less shit on my kicks than him. Everybody knows Megan Fox likes clean sneakers. I'm willing to give the kid a break because he looks like a rookie. A veteran like me gets dressed every morning asking the same question, "If I run into Halle Berry, are my sneakers clean enough?" Live and learn kid.


  1. No offense dude, I know you like her.

    But as JoeyB would say, only four words you need to know here:

    Fuck Megyn Fox.

  2. I know, I know.

    It's just that dress. She's absolutely killing it. It's not even a fair fight
