Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bobby Jindals Speech

I wanted to take some time before posting my thoughts on Jindals speech last night. There is no need to post anything about Obamas speech, because like all of his speeches, he sounds like a used car salesman. When it comes to Jindal however, I still find myself disappointed by it for a couple reasons.

First, can we get over the ass kissing of Obama being the first black President to (fill in the blank)? Am I really going to have to hear this every time he does something for the first time? Let me be the first to congratulate Obama on being the first black President to take a shit in the second floor bathroom in the White House. I get it, move on.

My biggest issue however was with Jindals delivery. He sounded like a kindergarten teacher speaking to 5 year olds. This happened for one of two reasons. Either he actually speaks like that or he listened to some idiot staffer who told him he needed to sound "happy and rosy." If its the first then he should stop thinking of running for President now. There is no way America will elect the guy who spoke last night. If it's the second, which judging from Republican staffers in the fall election, it probably was, that guy needs to be fired. I've had enough of some of the people who work behind the scenes and use focus groups for every little soundbite before they put it in a speech. If you need to focus group and poll what you are going to say, that to me, means you are too disconnected to know what is going on with average everyday Americans in the first place. So Bobby, please get rid of anyone around you who thought your delivery was the right idea.

I hope it was the second because I do like Jindal. I think the substance of the speech was solid and from what I have read about him, he has a good background governing. But you also have to be able to connect, and there is no way his speech last night did that because of the way it was delivered. That's why I dont agree with the people who say, "just listen to the substance of the speech." As we can see with Obama, it has a lot to do with how it is delivered. Obama got elected by delivering speeches impressively while saying absolutely nothing. If we can get the substance of what conservatives believe in and mix that with an impressive delivery, we can beat Obama in 2012.

Now there is a long time before the election, so I hope Jindal makes the right moves with the people who are giving him advice. He is young, so he still has time to make the right adjustments and rebound from last nights disappointing performance.

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