Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Vice President Joseph "Mongo" Biden

Barack Obama made a mistake during his press conference the other night that nobody has called him on. Atleast not anybody that I have read. At first I didn't think that much of it either, but after further thought it was clear that he had screwed up. It all has to do with his reference to Joe Biden after Major Garretts question.

The Telegraph explained it this way:
Pity poor Joe Biden. His "there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong" quote is put straight to President Barack Obama during the White House press conference just now and his boss seemed to want to say: "Vice-President Who?"
As reporters started giggling, Obama came close to conceding that Biden was indeed a joke. "You know, I don't remember exactly what Joe was referring to, not surprisingly."

Oh no he dih'in't. Barack Obama speaking about Joe Biden to the press is like listening to Pat Healy talk about Mongo with Mary.

Thats Joe Biden to a t, right down to the giant forehead. Now its fine for Republicans and Democrats to make fun of Joe Biden because, well...he's a fuckin idiot. But when Obama calls out Biden like he did, he doesn't realized what the obvious question is. Why did you pick this man to be VP and what does it say about you, Mr. President?

Now if this was Obamas only lapse in judgement we might have let that joke slide. After all, Im sure Mongo would make an excellent VP. But this far from Obamas only mistake. He has a long pattern of irresponsible associations and appointments.

He chose to sit in Rev Wrights church for 20 years. He chose to associate himself with Bill Ayers. He chose Bill Ricardson as secretary of Commerce. He chose Timothy Geithner as Treasury sceretary. He chose Tom Daschle as secretary of Health and Human Services. He chose Nancy Killefer to be the performance czar (nobody would even know what a performance czar was if he hadnt managed to fuck it up). And he chose Mongo as VP (yes that is now Bidens official nickname). Now thats a pattern. Starting with Biden who he chose over the summer that is 5 major screw ups on his part.

When you go further back to the Wright and Ayers asssociations you can see that the joke should really be about Obama. If this wasn't such a serious time (as he tells us) it would be funny, but we now have a man in the White House who constantly makes bad decisions. His joke only solidified that assessment.

1 comment:

  1. You have all the invective and name calling it takes to reach a higher plane. The only question is, how low did you start from? Based on this post, my guess is pretty low. Glad I never met your parents...

    Or the poor English teacher who failed to teach you a working vocabulary.
