Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Audacity Of Barack Obama

I gotta hand it to the guy. Nobody can look directly into a camera and be as hypocrital as Barack Obama. To do what he does takes one of two things. A) Balls (which anyone whose watched him deal with foreign leaders, knows he doesn't have) or B) a lovestruck media. I think we may be onto something with that second one.

Let's hop in the DeLorean, crank it up to 88mph, and travel back in time to when I first saw the hypocrisy from Obama and a more than willing cover up from the press. We have to go back to the days of the Rev Jeremiah Wright. The Conservative Comeback was nowhere close to being a blog then (I know. It's hard to imagine life before this blog). Barack had already thrown his grandmother under the bus in hopes of covering for the good Rev. Political pressure was still building though. He had to do something. So what did the man who sat silently in a racist church for 20 years do? He gave a speech lecturing us on the races coming together. Yeah, you read that right. The guy who willingly spent his Sundays listening to a racist Anti American preacher rant and rave was lecturing us on bringing the races together. Did the media scoff at such a ridiculous speech? No. They compared it to Lincoln and Martin Luther King. What would the medias reaction be if Mark Sanford gave a speech this week lecturing the country on the importance of being faithful to your wife. If you're looking for the exact day that the media died, it was the day Obama read that speech off his teleprompter.

Now let's fast forward to this week. Barack is asked a question in a press conference about Henry Louis Gates. Without the facts Obama injects race into the controversy. A firestorm starts over this and political pressure once again forces him to make a statement. Does he apologize? Of course not. Once again he lectures us that this can be a "teachable moment" and talks about the history of racial profiling, even though there is no evidence it exists in this case. He acts as if none of this is his doing and instead he is just the peace maker in the process. Make no mistake, the press is already tripping over itself to report the story that way. Check out Ben Smith at Politico:

The story of black professor and Irish cop sitting down for beers at the White House with the president -- now that's Obama's narrative.

This is Obamas narrative because the press refuses to report the story as it is. The two incidents above suggest Obama isn't nearly as "post racial" as the press makes him out to be. While it's certainly the talking points the White House would like people to believe, one day we might have a profession where peoples jobs are to actually cut thru the spin of politicians and bring you the facts. I wonder what we would call that job?

The only reason Barack is able to get away with this is because the media still has a crush on him. Have you watched these press conferences? They are so timid to question this guy. It's like watching a nervous Kevin Arnold ask Winnie Cooper out on a date. It's embarrassing, but it's also the reason Obama can afford to say one thing while doing the other.

Now just a reminder. Here is the guy Obama sat and listened to for 20 years before he lectured us.

And here is a reminder of what Obama said about Gates-gate before political pressure forced him to pivot and pretend to play peacemaker

He's post racial?

1 comment:

  1. Oborto's hypocrisy & blathering just leaves me speechless w/blood shooting from my eyes (I used to say that before I ever heard Glenn Beck say it! Heh.) It is UNFATHOMABLE that the media isn't all over him for his blatant double standards, mistakes and outright lies. How can ANYONE with one single working brain cell buy into this guy!? Dear God!
    Thanks for the tweet.
