Monday, July 6, 2009

How Far To The Left Is Obama?

During the campaign, I wrote a piece called "Why Won't Obama Talk About Columbia? — The years he won't discuss may explain the Ayers tie he keeps lying about." So now, nearly six months into the Obama presidency, the mainstream media has finally done a bit of the candidate background reporting it declined to do during the campaign — other than in Wasilla — and whaddya know? The New York Times unearthed a 1983 article called, "Breaking the War Mentality," that Columbia student Barack Obama wrote for a campus newspaper. The article shows that Obama dreaded American "militarism" and its "military-industrial interests," while effusing enthusiasm for the dangerously delusional nuclear-freeze movement.

This is exactly why the media never made any mention of Obamas days in college. He never had to release a thing from those days. Without FoxNews bringing up Wright you would've thought Obama didn't exist before 2004. Now read this article, look at his association with Ayers and Wright, not walking out on Ortega, siding with Chavez and Castro against Honduras, and it all makes sense.

read the rest of Andy McCarthys article here

1 comment:

  1. The mainstream media wouldn’t do it. So we are trying to get your important messages to the American people. 65 This post is a suggested read at,
