Thursday, July 23, 2009

How Do You Know This Has Been A Bad Day For Obama?

When Deval Patrick distances himself from you... it's a bad day.

“If you’re asking me to comment on the president’s comments, I think the president is capable of speaking for himself.”

Deval, who is straight out of the Chicago machine, used the more Axelrodian phrases "troubled" and "upsetting"

UPDATE- The hits keep coming for Barack. This time from the Cambridge Police Commissioner:

The Cambridge police commissioner said today his department is “deeply pained” by the president’s comments about the arrest of a prominent Harvard professor.

“It deeply hurts the pride of this agency,” said Commissioner Robert Haas. ‘’This department is deeply pained.”

1 comment:

  1. City of Cambridge adopts new ordinance so African- American residents will not be offended here,
