Thursday, July 2, 2009

Miss Conservative of the Week

This weeks Miss Conservative comes to us by way of Maryland. Crabcakes and football, that's what Maryland does...and produce a hot conservative woman like Lindsay Janeway, this weeks Miss Conservative.

you can email your nominee to . Dont have to be famous. Just hot, smart, and conservative

Who is your favorite politician?

My favorite politician is Sarah Palin. However, there is another female I admire and another politician who has made a huge impact on many peoples' lives; Michele Bachmann and Ronald Reagan. I guess you could call me a conservative feminist of sorts. I want to support women and those candidates who stand on principle and morals that I myself, value greatly. I find the two females I mentioned to be leaders in the new conservative movement. Although the media attempts to marginalize true conservatives, I find that people who have incredible substance and character are those I am most drawn to in the political realm.
Sarah Palin emulates Reagan conservatism and she speaks much like the founding fathers would have. She is an avid federalist and constitutionalist. I was never much into politics until I heard her speech at the RNC convention last year. I was literally out of my seat, jumping up and down, clapping. For the first time in my life I felt that there was an individual who wasn't part of the political machine, the establishment, or beholden to special interests and lobbyists - if anything she was beholden to the people who elected her, because those are the people most like her.
I was too young to really remember Reagan but from what I have read and the speeches I have watched he speaks the truth even til this day. I think he created the modern conservative. His belief in individual freedoms, liberties, and fear that government would someday control too much is too important not to recall during these turbulent times.

What is the most important issue to you?

I would have to say that small government and fiscal responsibility go hand-in-hand today, and mean the most to me. To be honest my main concern is enacting change so real people begin representing average Americans again. I am tired of the life-time incumbents like the Kennedy's or the family dynasties like Clinton or Bush. The government seems more like a soft tyranny lately than an actual Republic based on the philosophy of Democracy. I don't like the few deciding for the many. This approach is reminiscent of the oligarchies and the socialized/communized government of the past. The elite and the politburo ran the country and made decisions based upon theories they learned at Ivy League schools. However, the intelligent theories had one flaw - they didn't work, they were just theories. I think it's high time that regular 'Janes' and 'Joes' run for higher office, whether that's the school board, the city council, the PTA, or as a representative. The more the government fears the people, the more say we have in day-to-day legislation. Government has begun encroaching upon the rights and liberties of individuals and this isn't a one party issue. Republicans lost their conservative principles and Democrats are looking more like FDR than JFK. Republicans and Democrats both suffer from progressivism and we need common sense solutions for common people. That means cutting taxes on businesses esp. small ones, citizens, freezing or getting rid of entitlement programs, fixing social security, Medicare, and Medicaid, paying off debt by freezing federal hiring, dumping superfluous perks and benefits, getting the private sector more involved and active, instead of using grants left and right to fund research and development that shouldn't be politicized in the first place, and budgeting wisely. There is so much to say and opine on and I only have a paragraph to answer - sorry it's so long :)

Have you ever thought about running for office?

I had never thought of running for office until this past year, as I said above, Sarah Palin made me realize and have hope that the American Dream is still alive for all of us. I saw first-hand this past year that sheer grit, determination, and an unending desire to effect change, when change is needed, can get you ahead. I believe that it's time for the government to switch hands. Put the government back on the side of the people and as we did in 1995 - we need to hammer that message home to Americans. Vote for those who are just like you and me - vote for the people that really "get it" the people that have not been tainted by power and greed, or toss their principles aside for political expedience. I believe that if I wanted to, I could run for office. I would do it just to try and get this country back on the right track, because it's so far from its founding principles. I would not run as a politician to pad my own pockets and would prefer to get contributions from citizens only, serving the people and knowing exactly who my "bosses" are. In fact, there is a lot of nonsense in my state of Maryland, and depending on where I wind up living in the next couple of years; the thought of running against one of the representatives has been on the forefront of my mind. My campaign slogan could be like "Brewster's Millions" - 'Choose None of The Above.' Maryland needs good conservative leadership and I hope I can, in some capacity, take action and get involved.

Why are you a conservative?

I'm conservative because I believe in the founding fathers, I believe in our constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the blood spilled for our freedom. I believe in individual liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness, not the pursuit of a handout or a home. Knowing first-hand how troubling and destructive enabling can be, I would rather people learn from their own mistakes and hit bottom if need be; pull yourself up by your boot straps and work to get past the obstacles that life throws at you. There are basic principles and values that I have been fortunate enough to learn in my young adult life. I realize that the people who have known struggle and have overcome adversity are those who know joy. I didn't need the government to come in and save me, I didn't need welfare, moral hazards, or silly laws that wound up making my problems worse - I did it on my own and continue to ask for the freedom to have that independence - the freedom to fail or succeed if I so choose, and the freedom to just be an individual with a representative government. I believe in the 2nd amendment an don't think it's about "hunting" but about maintaining our freedom and being able to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. I believe in capitalism, private health insurance, limited government spending, limited size of government, I believe in federalism and state's rights more than centralized government. I believe in entrepreneurship and small business, low taxes, defense and national security, our troops, and energy independence - but not the gloBULL warming hoax kind - the lasting kind; nuclear, oil, coal & natural gas; Most of all I just believe in common sense.

For more info on Lindsay check out her twitter page "CrabbyCon" or where she blogs at StopTheLiberalsNow.


  1. Shes got my vote

  2. She's amazingly full of shit, and for looks, I'd give her an 4.

  3. Pay no attention to the second anonymous, theyr'e just jelous of your looks ( you gota ten in my book ), and did you really hafta take your picture down ?
