Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Picture Of The Day

From intentionalfoul we bring you the picture of the day

Because I take my job as a blogger so seriously here, I have examined this picture for minutes. The obvious takeaway from this is going to have something to do with the chick who broadcasts her love of "B-jays". Listen, that's easy. I mean I spent 7 years in college for a reason.

So study that front row, take in the girl for awhile and then direct your attention to the real comedy. What is up with the black guy in the Cliff Huxtable sweater??? I mean was he photoshopped into the student section? He's got a gray goatee and he looks absolutely miserable. If you tell me he doesn't remind you of this guy, then I dont want to talk to you anymore.

Now thats blogging.


  1. I could be wrong, but upon a closer inspection of said Huxtable sweater, it actually looks like a...liger? Actually multiple ligers. Maybe he's a Napoleon Dynamite fan.

    Hell even Pedro would be better than Uhhhbama.

  2. I wouldnt even know where to buy a multiple liger shirt.

    Of course Pedro would be better than Barry. He would flat out own the Iranians by now

  3. I would make a Lafawnduh joke right about now, but only Special Olympians are joke worthy apparently these days.

    As a side note, like McDonals, we are LOVING joeybiden twitter. I'm lovin' it! I've sent it around to all my anti-O co-workers. It's quickly become one of our go-to bookmarks for the day. Kudos! You are one funny ass "dude" (assuming dude with the "miss conservative of the week thread".)

  4. Lafawnduh jokes are always welcome on this site.

    Thanks for spreading the word around about JoeyBiden and this blog. I really do appreciate that. Who are you on twitter? And yes I am a dude

  5. Twitter is fun to read.

    But I'm pretty sure I'd get fired from my job if I was actually spilling all the good trade secrets of the day.

    You know, come to think about it, that may be a good plan. The One will take care of me anyway. Or ACORN can pay me $6.50 and hour next year to work on the census.

    ACORN Motto = Where we think Whitney is wrong: Crack IS NOT Whack.

  6. Yeah who worries about getting fired anymore? Thats like worrying about catching polio. Its just not a threat anymore.

    You could infiltrate ACORN and then expose them on this site. Then maybe I could start making some damn money from this blog

  7. I'm actually fully aware of the scumbags that are ACORN. (In Ohio, they made the campaign unbearable for the Board of Election workers.) I actually worked for Legal Aid back in the time when I had shit for brains so I'm quite cognizant of their shenanigans.

    Well I was looped in here via Ace of Spades. One of the commenters posted JBTwitter. We'll keep in going.
