Monday, March 30, 2009

Miss Conservative Of The Week

This weeks Miss Conservative is an independent novelist. We found her on twitter (where else), where she caught our eye with thoughts like this: Obama's campaign & promise of 'CHANGE', is now translated as "I will CHANGE and forget every campaign promise I made." and Obama closing Gitmo then sending more military to fight terrorism is kinda like joining Weight Watchers & Cupcake of the Day Club.

Enough said. This weeks Miss Conservative is Madison McGraw aks Girl Arsonist

you can email your nominee to . Dont have to be famous. Just hot, smart, and conservative

Just wait until the 1:30 mark in the video...Trust me

Who is your favorite politician?

My favorite politician is the one that observes quietly and only speaks from a place of wisdom and humor. My favorite politician believes in the strength of the USA and keeping us safe. My favorite politician doesn't blame previous administrations; he/she accepts the tasks at hand and asks "how can we best serve Americans" instead of "How can Americans serve me."
My favorite politician is a champion of the idea that prosperity is something every individual has the right to seek through working diligently, creatively, and wisely. My favorite politician believes in a hand up, not a hand out. There are many politicians that embody the characteristics of my favorite politician but there is one politician that stands heads above the rest as one that lacks every quality: Obama.

What is the most important issue to you?

The issue that concerns me most is one I reflect on often. The terrorists of 9/11 targeted what they viewed as the heart and soul of America: finances and the military.

Obama and his administration have been voted into the cockpit using marketing tactics and they are piloting America into a dizzying spiral, heading directly into grave dug with shovels labeled ‘Socialism’.

Have you ever thought of running for office?

I'd never run for office, I have too many skeletons in my closet. However, now that I think about it, my skeletons DO qualify me for a position in the Obama administration!

Why are you a conservative?

I've never been a Conservative. I'm a registered Independent that has always voted Democrat until the presidential election of 2008 woke me up. The man that wants to be president attends a church that is racist and anti-American? The man that wants to be president worked for Acorn? The man that wants to be president was campaigned for by William Ayers? The man that wants to be president has no experience?

Yes, thanks to Obama, thanks to the sheep following him, thanks to main street media for behaving like rock band groupies instead of journalists, I'm educating myself on the history of this country, on our founding fathers, on what it really means to be a Patriot and an American.

3.5 years from now, I'll probably be able to give you an actual name when I’m asked ‘Who is your favorite politician?’ It will be the politican that is able to wrestle Obama and his administration out of the cockpit and take Air United States back to blue skies.

Absolutely perfect. To find out more about Madison you can check out her website madisonmcgraw or her blog girlarsonist. If you're on twitter you can follow her @girlarsonist


  1. Smart girl, kinda funny, nice boobage, but not my type. Now, if she had blues eyes, red hair and freckles...

  2. This girl is hot!

  3. Madison, I like the dark hair better! But cute video! Wait, I'm a girl--can I say that?!

    Any chance we can get a Mr. Conservative of the week? Perhaps I should start my own blog!

  4. Wow, you're gonna go into competition with me? I thought we were cool.

  5. :-D

    It's just that I'm getting a complex. If I see nothing but "Ms. Conservative of the Week", and say, "yeah, she's hot", I'm going to need to jump over the other side of things where they're more tolerant of that type of lifestyle! Don't push me over to the dark side...!

  6. I hereby nominate myself this week's "Mr. Conservative Guy."

    Old, but hot. Oh and remember, today's 50 is yesterday's 30. Or some shit like that.

  7. See what you started Lauren?? Now, you have to be the judge of the AWB because Im not touchin that. I'll lose all my street cred

  8. Since he's the only contender here I'd say he wins by default! (I tease). But are you sure you're not a Dem? You know, they hate that competition thing. It obliterates the notion of the oligarchy.

    But as you're losing your 'street cred', I've got the Indigo Girls playing over here. So we all have our issues I suppose.

    With that said, does Madison really count as a conservative? I get the hotness factor here, but she called herself an independent. Just sayin'.

  9. Indigo girls...ouch

    As for the award. Party affiliation is not really even a consideration when it comes to this award. Olympia Snowe is a Republican but I certainly wouldn't call her a conservative. I'm all about where they stand on the issues, not the letter next to their name. And if you're going to rip Obama as good as Madison does, you're ok in my book.

  10. Eh, you raise a good point. Anyone that harps on Uhhbama is good people in my eyes as well.

    I had a blog. But quit updating it about a year ago when I got into working on some campaigns. I didn't think it was appropriate.

    Maybe I'll have to start it back up again:

  11. Thats a good blog. You should update it more. You've got plenty of time now that Xaviers out of the tournament. (too soon?)
