Monday, March 2, 2009

Barack Obamas Hypocrisy and His Republican Followers

It has been clear for me since Obama started campaigning that he is a man who lives by the motto, "Do as I say, not as I do." What else would explain the parties that the White House is throwing on a weekly basis? These parties are being thrown at the same time that he tells us we are on the verge of the great depression. That everyone must sacrifice. Apparently sacrifice doesn't extend to the White House, atleast not when wagyu beef is being served.

The one question that I have always asked, and still have to ask is, Who is this guy? The media certainly wasn't interested in finding out. His contradictions on where exactly he is from continue right up to his time now in the White House. When he was calling people in DC a bunch of pussies for cancelling school during a snow storm, he was some tough guy from Chicago where school is never cancelled. When justification was needed on why he had the heat at 72 in the oval office, it was because he's from Hawaii and "likes it warm". This glaring bit of hypocrisy came after his campaign speech in which he said, "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times." Fact #1 about Obama. When he says we, he means you.

Now the fact that Obama is clearly a fraud isn't a surprise to me, but it must come as a shock to the "intelligentsia" that make up the elite of the Republican party. They fell for Obama hard because he was one of them. He could recite Niebuhr to them like I can recite lines from Caddyshack. This to the "elites" matter more to them than his actual policies. In my neighborhood there was always the line, "book smarts don't equal street smarts." The answer to most tough questions you deal with in life won't be found in a book. This is heresy to the Christopher Buckleys, Kathleen Parkers, and David Brooks of the world. These "brilliant" book smart people have been captivated by how well a person reads.

David Brooks absolutely loved Barack Obamas "non" State of the Union address. A person who actually listened to what was said, not how it was said, would have probably raised a few questions. How about President Obama promising to not have any earmarks in the budget while the next day proposing a budget with 9,000 earmarks. How about a guy having the audacity to preach fiscal responsibility while cramming a "stimulus" bill down the countries throat at the tune of $1 trillion dollars. But David Brooks didn't raise those questions, because Obama did not read his speech to him like that. Brooks loved the tone of the speech, while failing to point out any of the hypocrisy. There is no question in my mind that I could take a piss in David Brooks ear and tell him it's raining.

There is one thing a street smart person can do that a book smart person can never do. And that is spot a fraud. Street smart people dont get caught up in the fast talk and double speak. They are wary of people who promise everything while never having delivered anything. These "intellectual" Republican Obama supporters are going to feel like the dumbest ones in the country just about a year from now. They could use a bit of humility, so be sure not to let them forget it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm smart! I knew *INSERT TOPIC* all along but all these other idiots didn't know *INSERT TOPIC*. This is why I am smart. Maybe there was things that could have been done to avoid *INSERT TOPIC*, but I'm not the type of person to actually do anything, I just like to bitch and complain. I do this because I have a low self-esteem, and in order to make me feel better about myself, I find different *INSERT TOPIC*'s to bitch about and then hold a smug sense of self worth over people not smart enough to see those *INSERT TOPIC*'s as they truly are. For those few elite smart people (like me of course) that actually DID see *INSERT TOPIC* as it truly was, I would like to encourage you to say "na na na na boo boo told you so"'s to anyone that was so dumb as not to see *INSERT TOPIC*. Doing this proves to others how mature we can truly be.
