Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another Obama Gaffe

So the leader of the free world bows down to the Saudi King. Of course this is embarrassing. But what's more embarrassing? This guy can't even bow the right away. Hey, anybody who was alive in 1984 knows that was the year when bowing rules were laid down by none other than Mr. Miyagi. It's one very simple rule. "EYE!... ALWAYS LOOK EYE!!" Fast forward to 2009 and we have Obama checking out the Saudi Kings package. Pat Morita is spinning in his grave.

photo h/t AmericanThinker


  1. Well I think he's checking out the robe. He's thinking of getting one to hide Michelle's badonkadonk.

  2. Michelle would definetely rock that robe with the sleeves cut off

  3. If only there were some type of workout to be done to fix the angry bitch snarling face problem she's got going on. Why do you think they focus on the arms and the J Crew attire? To detract from her hate filled face.

  4. Your posts are great! Keep up the good commentary.
