Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama Wont Talk About Hostage Situation

WASHINGTON, April 9 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama declined to answer reporters' questions on Thursday on a hostage crisis off the coast of Somalia, where a U.S. ship captain is being held captive by pirates.

Obama, however, stuck closely to the script and replied that he wanted to remain focused on housing.

Barry never ceases to amaze me. This is a guy who spent the last week bashing America while overseas, calling us everything from arrogant to dismissive, yet he won't even talk shit about a pirate?

Any word on what Napolitano is calling this? It can't be a hostage situation. Ive heard pirates don't like that phrase, although that could just be an old wives tale.


  1. Voting pirate attack at a time...

  2. you are right Lauren he is the voting present KING!
