Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Heavy E Thinks Palin Would Sleep With Him

So apparently Eminem is still alive. I feel like I'm back in high school again. Seriously, how old is this guy? Anyway, Newsbusters has the latest on his newest track that suggests he'd have sex with Sarah Palin.

Listen, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's my job . Marshall, its not 2000 anymore. You're a fat old piece of shit. I know that might sting a bit, but honesty is my thing. My advice to you is simple. Lay off the Sara Lee for a year or two before you even think about Sarah Palin. I don't want your fat ass to embarrass yourself.

You're a 36 yr old rapper. That means you are basically the Wilford Brimley of rappers...move on. It'd be one thing if you could still rap, but it's obvious you can't due to the fact you have to use other people in order to drum up controversy to boost your sales. Slim, it's over.


  1. ok I see your point there... But have you seen his new video the man is back in shape.... And looks fabulous..... Go take a look at his new video and you might change you mind... Also there is a sarah palin look alike in the video but I am sure its the porn sarah palin....

  2. Yeah I've watched the video. The fact remains the guy is a 36 yr old rapper. Thats like being a 25 yr old Little League player. Its time to move on.

    And if he was still any good he wouldn't have to use people like Palin to drum contorversy and get him some publicity.

  3. I wouldn't let him play on my son's little league team! What a total low-life. I am forcing my son to throw out all m&m paraphernalia.

  4. well first of all he has always used to people in his songs. That's his style, and you admit you liked it then, so stop rolling with the crowd and letting them decided what you like. I think he still has it, and Dr. Dre won't let him fail. I like it when he come back and bashes celebrities , because while he was sitting out, some stupid shit keeps making the news about these idiot celebrities. Plus he barely even said anything about palin, he basically commented on the fact she is hot. that's it

  5. He's 36. He's been out of the game forever, so he uses Palin to cause controversy, get good reviews from liberal critics, and sell his worn out act. It's old
