Saturday, April 11, 2009

Are Americans Really Being Held Captive?

Abe Greenwald over at Commentary Magazine calls out Obama for his silence, not just on the Somali pirate issue but American journalists currently being held captive in North Korea and Iran.

Four Americans are now being held captive by foreign governments or non-state actors: two journalists in North Korea, one journalist in Iran, and one ship captain off the coast of Somalia.

Has anyone heard from the president about these incidents?

In regard to North Korea and Iran, Barack Obama is too dug-in to a capitulationist stance to make a peep. While free and safe journalists praise Obama for “listening” to autocrats and fanatics, their less fortunate colleagues have been listening in vain for a word from the American president. Tragic as that is, it does at least free up Obama to speak forcefully about the Somali pirates now holding the brave and selfless Capt. Richard Phillips. After all, we can’t possibly have an interest in engaging these stateless thugs. So what message has Obama sent?

You should check the rest of the story out. Sure these are delicate situations but it demands some sort of reaction by the President of the United States. I know he's busy trying to flying in people from St. Louis to make him his pizza, but they should clear some time in the Presidents schedule to comment on these issues right?

UPDATE- Pirates have seized a US owned tugboat and now holding 16 hostage.


  1. Not only do I take offense to the fact that he hasn't said anything and we haven't done anything...BUT, he ordered pizza from St. Louis?!?! As a Chicagoan, myself and Obama, I'm disgusted he didn't get CHICAGO pizza.

  2. Exactly. When did St. Louis become known for its pizza?? He can't even get that right.

  3. But hey, they got a dog and the girls named it "Bo." Apparently not for his initials, but because their cousins have a cat named Bo. Nice that the family gets to hang out with the new dog and enjoy Easter while he is oblivious, or willfully blind to what is going on around them. I'm sure the Captain's family would appreciate having him home for Easter too.
