Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey Susan, go back to your home on Whore Island you smelly pirate hooker!

Susan Roesgen.

Can I say "thank you" sweetness? Thank you for exposing yourself as a total hack "reporter". Thank you for reminding us why it was we coined CNN as the Communist News Network. But ultimately, thank you for giving us all the best laugh of the week.

Look, Susan made a funny!

This woman showed such contempt, contempt I say, when a tea partygoer carried a sign saying "Obama is a Socialist". She asked the gentleman, "Why be so hard on the President of the United States with such an offensive message?" and "Do you realize how offensive that is?" It's interesting to note, that she didn't find this offensive when she was covering Katrina.

So let's recap: We have one man stating which is pretty much a known fact: That Uhhbama is a socialist. That's highly offensive. But we have a manmade float comparing Bush to a Hitler/Devil and that doesn't even garner a "Hmm, that's a provocative float" remark?

In what fantasy land does this bitch reside? Whore Island? Me thinks so.

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