Thursday, April 16, 2009

Miss Conservative Of The Week

This weeks Miss Conservative comes to you by way of Colorado. She is a mother of 3 boys who is a card carrying member of the NRA. Your new Miss Conservative of the Week is Stacy.

you can email your nominee to . Dont have to be famous. Just hot, smart, and conservative

Who is your favorite politician?
Actually, Colorado's ex-governor, Bill Owens. Governor Owens had an ability to work with both sides, and made common sense decisions for Colorado. His time in office was prosperous for our state. When he took office, he continued with Governor Roy Romer's (a Democrat) education plan, a plan that closely monitored schools and forced accountability upon them. Owens initiated the successful T-REX project on I-25 that came in on time and under budget. How often does that happen? He often would upset both the left and the right; that tells me you're doing your job right.

What is the most important issue to you?
At this time it is obviously the economy combined with the out of control spending we are witnessing. We have made major fiscal, changes within our own household in order to survive this period of time. Our politicians need to be doing the same thing. I believe there will be many people who will be losing their jobs come November of 2010.

Have you ever thought of running for office?
Yes and no. I think many of us sit back and armchair quarterback political offices. But my fiery spirit and lack of patience wouldn't work even in the PTA. I have no desire to deal with people who cannot practice common sense.

Why are you a conservative?
Our nation was founded upon conservative principles, individuals looking for freedom from oppressive rulers. Rulers that unfairly taxed, and changed the rules to meet their own agendas. Sound familiar? Conservatism is basic, common sense. Work hard, be rewarded by the fruits of your own labor.

My husband and I did not have an easy path for several years early in our marriage. We qualified for government assistance, but never took it because we were too proud to be dependent upon anyone other than ourselves. After years of hard work, we are successfully self-employed, and dealing with the headaches that come from that. Being self-employed has brought us many life lessons, lessons that actually make both of us more fiscally conservative.

To check out more of Stacy you can follow her on twitter here and read her blog StillStacy.