Thursday, April 16, 2009

Clip Of The Day

For everyone that got an extension on their taxes, Shelly Winters has some helpful hints in this PSA.

What the fuck was that? That goes from a fairly normal commercial to one of the freakiest things I've ever seen in the blink of an eye. I mean, I dont know about you but I jumped back from my screen and locked the doors. It's like she was trying to lull me to sleep at the beginning and then hypnotize me real quick at the end. Nice try Shelly Winters, but I'm on to your tricks.

h/t Franklin avenue


  1. Where the eff did you find that? She's certainly rocking the crazy runaway bride eyes.

  2. I have all of Shelly Winters PSAs. Dont you? It's amazing camera work

    It was on twitter.
