Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why Didn't Obama Walk Out?

This is a question I have heard discussed on radio and tv a lot recently. It all stems from Obama sitting and listening to Daniel Ortega berade the US for 50 minutes. His only response was that, "he was glad he wasn't the one being blamed for things that happened when he was 3 months old." Charles Krauthammer took him apart for that narcissistic response on FoxNews last night. Mitt Romney wrote a very good article in the National Review on Obamas recent trip.

There is one problem with the question of, Why didn't Obama walk out? Is it really that hard to believe that Obama might actually agree with many of Ortegas statements? Is the rant Ortega went on any more anti American than Rev. Wrights sermons? Is it more radical than Bill Ayers thoughts on America? Not only did Obama not walk out on those people, he sought them out. This is why those two people were central to the campaign. It's why the media and the left did everything they could to portray attacks on Obama using those two people, to be distractions.

Asking Barack Obama to walk out on an anti American rant is like asking Perez Hilton to walk away from a buffet...of men. Both are impossible. The sooner we realize that the better.


  1. Hard to feign outrage and contempt when you're in agreement with the views espoused. To me, this was far more offensive than the "broshake" with Yugo.

  2. This was worse than the handshake. There is only one other President in US history that would've sat thru this, and that's Carter. Reagan would've dropkicked people on the way out

  3. I had no expectations of this complete unqualified fraud. I always thought he would feel more at home hanging out with the hippy activists across the street from 1600 Penn Ave than sitting in the West Wing in 1600 Penn Ave. By was I right (and then some...)

  4. Obama is pretty much anti-American as well. Obama is supposed to support America whether what happened was when he was 3 years old or not.
