Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stop Underestimating The Military

Now that Navy SEALS have moved in to rescue the American Captain and kill 3 pirates, I think it's time for liberals to stop underestimating the military. Over the past few days as a group of 4 pirates held this country hostage, I and others have been calling for the military to act. I read message boards over at the Boston Herald that said we needed to stop watching movies. I listened to callers on talk radio saying those asking for the military to make a rescue are naive. Even liberal columnists who didn't want to Obama to look weak on this issue said the same thing. We should negotiate. This would have you believe that only Navy Seals in the movies make rescues, and not, ya know, actual Navy SEALS. We have the most highly trained military fighters in the world going up against 4 fucking pirates in a boat. The result was obvious. 3 dead pirates, 1 captured, 1 hostage freed. It's not a movie, although it will probably be made into one. The message is clear from here on out. Enough negotiating with Somali "elders." Let the military do what they do.

There have now been reports that Obama finally gave the order for force to be used. It was about time, and for that I give him credit for listening to the military that has been calling for days for this to happen. There's a reason movies are made showing special forces making such rescues. It's because they can actually do it.

Now, the big question left from this is: What is to be done with Somalia? Do we see this as an isolated incident or part of bigger problem? It would be very naive to walk away from this without a larger strategy of how to deal with Somalia. This is not the last we will here from this country.

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