Saturday, April 4, 2009

Conservatives Cannot Abandon Palin

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, if you are a conservative you cannot abandon Sarah Palin.

Over the next few years the media will continue to pry into her family life. They will continue to put her, her husband, and her daughters in the tabloids. One of the natural reactions during this time is to say enough is enough. I give up. Even though I know it is unfair and untrue, it takes too much time and energy to defend. I am here to warn you now, you simply can't do this if you ever expect conservatives to take control in this country again.

This does not mean you have to vote for Palin if she runs for President. It does not even mean you can't disagree with policy positions that she takes. What you can't do is allow the media to beat you down with their endless hit and run tactics. These attacks were on full dispaly twice this week. One is the Tyra Banks interview with Levi Johnston, where she tries to get to the bottom of the most important of issues, Bristol Palins sex life. We doubt Tyra is trying to book the man who videotaped Ashley Biden sniffing lines of coke. Watch the media after the interview is aired on Monday. Compare the coverage to that of Bidens daughter.

The second was an AP article written this week about the political hits Palin has taken. Conservatives4Palin pointed out the obvious bias in this report. The story cited a "political expert" that took Palins job to task. This man just happened to be a consultant to the Democratic Caucus of the US House of Representatives. This was not mentioned in the story.

If you are a conservative you need to defend Palin even if you are not a fan of hers. If thats the case, your defense of her should be for a conservative candidate you might want to vote for in the future. Make no mistake, the media does not attack Sarah Palin for the fun of it. They attack her because she is a conservative that poses a threat. If you allow the media to wear you down, you expose every conservative politician that poses a threat from now on.

Some days are going to be tough over the next few years. As a sports fan, one of the great speeches ever given was by Jim Valvano a short time before his death. If you hope for a conservative comeback, it is a speech you will want to remember when you feel you shouldn't fight back anymore. Just remember those words, "Dont give up, dont ever give up."

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