Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Patriots Day

Patriots Day in Massachusetts is a holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. It is also the day that the Boston Marathon is run. But if you live around here, you know this day is known for yet another excuse to get drunk on a Monday.

Bets of the day

a Kenyan wins the marathon

over under on fights in Faneuil Hall by 7pm- 40 ( I'm taking the over)

Reason # 73 why I have no interest in running the Boston Marathon. (Dont scroll down if you're eating)

I have a couple rules in life. One of them is to never put myself in a position to end up shitting myself in front of thousands of people. Therefore, no marathon for me.


  1. oh. my. god. that is the sickest thing i've ever seen.

  2. what in the name of all things holy?? that shit is just wrong (pun intended!)

  3. The thing I keep thinking about with that guy is the finish line. You just know his girlfriend is waiting for him, and now he's covered with shit. Did she break up with him right away or wait until later that night?

  4. Straight away. No guy would EVER get in my car like that!
