Monday, April 27, 2009

Chavez? Gnarly!

Just because you have a megaphone—doesn’t mean you should use it. Case in point, Sean Penn. In case you missed it, he posted some incoherent diatribe over on the Huff & Puff. Newsbusters breaks down just how unintentionally funny it is (it's so grammatically incorrect, apparently he channeled his inner-Spicoli for this one.)

Brace yourselves. It's three paragraphs of "watchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?". Yeah, it's really that bad. Can someone please translate this gem for me:

"Then there's Newt Gingrich, who commented on the Chavez greeting as being approached wrong."

You can argue I took this out of context. But then you'd assume there was a context.

Quite honestly, I wouldn't even bother reading this piece if I were you. It’s a par for the course rant for an overpaid sub-par human being. He boils it down to smiles. If we just smile at Chavez, he'll play nice. That was basically the gist. I guess this theory makes sense when you work in an industry where people inject Botox in the palms of their hands so they won't have sweaty hands on the red carpet.

As for the poor grammar, that doesn't bother me, especially from a Hollytart like Penn. I have extremely low expectations from these folks. It's like expecting Lord Uhhh to sound cogent off prompter--outcome not so good. Both of these men have several things in common, namely, that they are both at their "best" when they adhere to a script written by someone else.

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