Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Clip Of The Day

After my post earlier bringing up Col. Jessep, I now bring you one of the great movie scenes of all time.

Am I the only that thinks Santiago deserved a code red? I mean, the guy was clearly a sub standard marine. Yeah, it's sad he died, but as Jessep pointed out, it probably saved lives. Anyway, with that, I bring you my top 3 people who could use a code red.
1) Osama Bin Laden (for obvious reasons)
2) Ahmadinejad (again for obvious reasons)
3) Perez Hilton (actually, cross him off the list. He might like it)


  1. Great movie, one of my favorites. I bet it was pretty hard to limit your list to just 3. I could think of a few hundred.

  2. Anyone in the primtime line-up over at MSNBO?
