Friday, April 24, 2009

Miss Conservative Of The Week

This weeks Miss Conservative comes to us from Oklahoma. She is currently the Chairman of the OU College Republicans. She helped to organize a tea party that was held on campus April 13th, which was also used to promote the tea party being held in Oklahoma City two days later. This weeks Miss Conservative is Tessa Breder.

you can email your nominee to . Dont have to be famous. Just hot, smart, and conservative

Who is your favorite politician?
This is too easy. Oklahoma State Representative Scott Martin. I met Scott for the first time when I had the opportunity to job shadowed him in high school. Not only is he an incredible person, he’s a true conservative who, despite his much-deserved success, has remained a grassroots activist truly concerned for the well-being of Oklahoma and this country. Scott has brought common sense to the House Floor everyday he has been in office on issues such as limiting government, lowering taxes, and preserving the right to life.

What is the most important issue to you?
Again, too easy. Education, education, education. I had the privilege of attending high-performing public schools in Oklahoma. Unfortunately, Oklahoma’s public school performance is rather low compared to the rest of the country. The voucher system is undoubtedly the cure to the disease of our socialized school system. Not only does this system relieve the outrageous amount of power held by radical teachers unions, it brings the wellbeing of America’s youth back to the forefront of administration’s concern. Is there any other industry in America where performance isn’t measured as a determinate of further employment? Absolutely not. The fact politicians have allowed corrupt teacher pacs to be the ruling force behind America’s education policy for so long is disappointing, unacceptable, and something we can’t afford any longer.

School vouchers merely integrate capitalism and competition into schools. It’s this simple; a school can’t perform, it won’t survive. This structural modification empowers families in place of administrations and it has proven time and again to be tremendously cost effective. As we’ve learned, spending and performance are not correlated. If choice is considered a cornerstone of democracy, America’s children are being repressed by the very people “teaching” them. Fix schools, and, in time, this will do a large part in fixing the future of the economy.

Have you ever thought of running for office?
I’m only twenty, but it’s crossed my mind more times than I care to admit. I first job shadowed when I was sixteen and have been completely enthralled with the political scene ever since. In fact, I was out tonight with a few friends (all of whom are under the age of thirty) discussing the possibility of running for city council in the next election cycle. Politics and intelligence are my primary interests, but I’d prefer to wait until I’m out of school. Unfortunately, if things continue down the same road they’ve been headed lately, I might not be able to restrain myself much longer.

Why are you conservative?
I tried my best to stay away from the cliché “pro Second Amendment, personal responsibility, pro-capitalism, low taxes, and pro-life” spiel, but, well, that’s exactly why I’m conservative. I come from a single, working mother on one side, and a dad who owns a small family business on the other. Both of them taught me from an extremely young age that being independent and working hard is the only way to attain the things that I want.

In addition to this, I still consider the Constitution to be a priority. It’s become extremely evident that many of our elected officials don’t share this value and leave much room for “interpretation”. Government is not meant to serve as a resident nanny to those who choose not to take care of themselves, it’s to protect and facilitate those who are.

To follow Tessa on twitter you can check her out here


  1. "To follow Tessa on twitter you can check her out here "

    Oh yes, I want to check her out! What a hottie! And a conservative!

  2. Miss Breder,
    You are a credit to your University, your party affiliation, your friends and most of all your parents. Love, Dad

    PS:When this girl's on a mission get out of her way. She WILL run you over if it for the good of the whole.
